Thursday 11 February 2016

Valentines... A secret inside

I I Today i've whipped up these secret heart cupcakes.

I used the vanilla cupcake recipe from lauren conrad's blog and i added some cocoa along with a dash of red colouring in the heart cake mix.

I topped them with white chocolate and strawberry buttercream... I went with a simple top!
Can you find the heart inside?!

Some of these are going to school tomorrow for my son's bake sale... The rest will stay here 😘

Friday 5 February 2016

Chocolate cowgirl cookies

I had some help from my littlest boy tonight to bake some chocolate cowgirl cookies. They are the same as the ones we made for santa except ive added in some cocoa to make them delish and chocolatey! 

If youve read this blog then by now you will know i LOVE to bake anything chocolate :)

Yummers! 😍

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Apple & Walnut weetabix cake

These weetabix loaf cake's are so easy to make...

I thought today i would try a different flavour combo to the last. Usually it's cherry and chocolate with some jam inside.  Today i went for apple and walnut with some golden syrup inside. 

Tastes absoloutely delish... Makes a change as mostly everything i bake has chocolate in somewhere!!